introduction by committees on finance, organization, rules, or JCOER93 (2)
stage (definition)95 (85)
suspending administrative rule, to be considered within
40 days33 (7)
Blanks, available from chief clerk for:
certificates by legislature or by assembly
(see joint rule 7)
96, 97 (5)
floor amendments by assembly or committee 53 (2), (3), (4)
Budget and other bills may be referred simultaneously to joint survey committees
and to joint committee on finance,
see also
s. 13.093 (2)(b), stats.42 (1)(c)
Bulletin of committee hearings, see Schedule of committee activities
Bulletin of proceedings (histories and indexes):
chief clerk supervises preparation of histories,
see also Joint Rules 76 and 785 (1)(b), (c)
legislative reference bureau prepares indexes, see Joint Rules 77 and 78
sergeant at arms supervises provision to members 6 (1)(c)
Business, regular orders of31
business referred to24 (3)(b), 42 (1)(a), 43 (2), 45, 46 (5), 73 (3)(a), (4)(a), 74
chief clerk supervises provision to members 5 (1)(bm)
committee reports shown for proposals on 2nd reading 29 (1)(c)
definition of "calendar"95 (8)
delayed calendar, debate limited: 5 min/member,
20 min/question60 (1)
furnished to members at least 18 hours before being acted upon; exception29 (3)
not required for special, extended, or extraordinary session
93 (4)
lists motions for reconsideration and name of each
maker 29 (1)(b)
lists proposals by name of author and relating clause 29 (1)(a)
lists regular orders of business29 (1)
lists special orders of business29 (1)(d)
preparation by chief clerk under
supervision of committee on rules 5 (1)(b), (r), 29 (1), (2)
proposal withdrawn from committee on rules placed on 15 (5)
published routinely for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
Friday (except holidays)
29 (2)
second reading proposals, calendar shows all pending committee reports29 (1)(c)
special and extraordinary sessions, measures referred to: may be
taken up immediately93 (4)
unfinished calendars taken up prior to 5th order of
business 29 (4)
veto, how referred to24 (5), 44
Call of the assembly (or "call of the house") 83 to 88
adjournment may be moved while assembly is under call 70 (1)
adjournment terminates call (roll call required) 86 (3), 87 (3)
call may be moved while motion to adjourn is pending 83 (2)
cannot be demanded while voting is in progress 83 (2)
chief clerk to call roll and furnish sergeant with list of
members absent without leave
definition of "call of the assembly" 95 (9)
expenses incurred in securing attendance may be imposed
on absent members
85 (2)
lifted when all reported absentees present or absent with
87 (1)
majority of current membership may vote to lift call (roll call required)87 (2)
majority of those present (even if less than a quorum)
may adjourn under call (roll call required)
86 (3), 87 (3)
may again be made after reconvening after adjournment
under call88
motion to adjourn in order under call70 (1)
motion to lift a call: roll call required; majority of current
membership required
87 (2)
other business may be transacted during 86 (1)
privilege of motion or request65 (1)(b), (e)
question stated83 (4)
seconding by 15 members required83 (3)
sergeant at arms may report at any time 86 (4)
successive calls on same question not permitted unless significant
business or adjournment intervenes
summary process under call85 (1)
Call of the roll, see Roll call, Voting machine
Calling member to order:
presiding officer determines if there has been violation 58
specific language objected to put in writing by member
questioning language
58 (3)
Campaign Committee activity98
Caucus chairperson; majority, minority:
election, removal, term2 (1)
member of:
committee on assembly organization9 (3)
committee on rules24 (1)
officers certified by caucus chairperson 2 (3)
presides, when4(1)
Cellular telephones26 (6)
Certificate or "citation" (definition), see also Joint Rule 7 95 (10)
appropriateness examined by committee on organization 96
citations by assembly97
considered under 13th order when objected to 96
Chair (definition)95 (11)
Chairperson of committee, standing and special, see also
Committee, Special committee, Standing committee:
appointment by speaker9 (2)(bm), (c)
definition of "committee chairperson" 95 (13)
determines when committee action shall be reported
to assembly11 (9), 17m
determines when executive action shall be taken,
11 (9), 17d
determines when proposals will be scheduled for public
hearing11 (9)
files list of public hearings with chief clerk on or before Monday
noon of each week
14 (2)
floor amendment offered in committee,
forwards to legislative reference bureau
53 (3)
joint committees have cochairpersons, see Joint Rule 22
joint hearings, see Joint Rule 21
petition to withdraw proposal from committee, receives
copy15 (4)(a)
reports to assembly on executive action:
administrative rules reviewed by committee 20
proposal with recommendations18
proposal without recommendations19